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Storytelling and Publishing

"Storytelling is an art form as old as time and has a place in every culture and society. Why? Because stories are a universal language that everyone — regardless of dialect, hometown, or heritage — can understand. Stories stimulate imagination and passion and create a sense of community among listeners and tellers alike.


Telling a story is like painting a picture with words. While everyone can tell a story, certain people fine-tune their storytelling skills and become a storyteller on behalf of their organization, brand, or business. You might’ve heard of these folks — we typically refer to them as marketers, content writers, or PR professionals. Every member of an organization can tell a story." - HUB SPOT ACADEMY


According to Hub spot Academy, Good stories are …


  • Entertaining: Good stories keep the reader engaged and interested in what’s coming next.

  • Educational: Good stories spark curiosity and add to the reader’s knowledge bank.

  • Universal: Good stories are relatable to all readers and tap into emotions and experiences that most people undergo.

  • Organized: Good stories follow a succinct organization that helps convey the core message and helps readers absorb it.

  • Memorable: Whether through inspiration, scandal, or humor, good stories stick in the reader’s mind.


Book Publishing is one of the ways of story telling and Book publishers take responsibility for all aspects of book publication. Depending on the size of the publishing company, the book publisher may carry out all aspects of publication, or may delegate part of the work to editors, designers and marketing specialists. Some publishers concentrate on broad categories, such as fiction or non-fiction. Others specialize within those broad sectors, publishing non-fiction books on art, business or science. Once the book fit the category of what a Publisher need, they then set out the requirements for the book and the payments the author will receive.


When authors have completed their manuscripts, publishers review the text to ensure that it meets the requirements set out in the contract in terms of content, quality and length. Publishers manage the manuscript editing, design and production process, using a team of editors, proofreaders, graphic designers and printers. They provide schedules for each stage of the process, working backwards from the planned publication date. (Source:


To find out more about us and why and how we tell stories? Click on the button below. Once you have gone through the whole presentation, Feel free to give us feedback on how we can serve you, and help you tell your story. Remember stories connect People. 


Here is our Publishing process below:

TCLE Publishing process 2023.png

Books published

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